Friday, October 7, 2016

We're Back!

I haven't religiously blogged in several years, but I feel like it might be time as we start a new journey to helping Hudson and I become the healthiest versions of ourselves! 
A year ago this month, we were super excited to try Dr. Aron's regime for Hudson's skin and it worked wonderfully! Until July of this year, his skin looked better than it ever had! He was sleeping better and I swear his personality just burst out! Then in May, we met with our new pediatrician and we discussed his food allergies and she mentioned that more research is coming out that sometimes it's better to expose kids to food that they're allergic to (if it's not a severe allergy) and we decided to introduce wheat back into his life. Wheat is in everything so we were all pretty excited. We didn't really notice any major changes in May or June, but by July his eczema was back in full force. Thankfully, not as bad as the early years but we haven't been able to get it under control and he didn't really want to give up wheat at my suggestion. He's back to excessive scratching & bleeding in his sleep and always ends up in my bed at some point as he's so miserable. 
Enter Dr. Davis! We met with him yesterday and I'm so excited! For the first time ever, a doctor actually believes that while there's not a "cure" for eczema there's a chance that if we heal him from the inside (hello, leaky gut) that his skin should return to normal and there's even a chance that he'll no longer be allergic to some of the foods once we've healed his gut. It's going to be a long road...supplements & avoiding certain foods for months, but Hudson is actually on board. It always sounds better coming from someone else and I'm not sure he really knows what he signed up for! :) He did take his supplements today, but wanted to spit out the Omega 3 oil! Thank goodness he could chase it with chocolate milk. So please keep the little dude in your prayers that we all can do the steps necessary to heal his gut and his skin!